Craig Ulmer

Supercomputers and Data-Warehouse Appliances

2013-08-13 io pub

Ron Oldfield and Andy Wilson put together a paper for Euro-Par 2013 about the work we were doing on integrating a Netezza parallel database appliance with a Cray XT system.


Two decades of experience with massively parallel supercomputing has given insight into the problem domains where these architectures are cost effective. Likewise experience with database machines and more recently massively parallel database appliances has shown where these architectures are valuable. Combining both architectures to simultaneously solve problems has received much less attention. In this paper, we describe a motivating application for economic modeling that requires both HPC and database capabilities. Then we discuss hardware and software integration issues related to a direct integration of a Cray XT supercomputer and a Netezza database appliance.


  • Europar13 Paper Ron Oldfield, George Davidson, Craig Ulmer, and Andrew Wilson. "Investigating the Integration of Supercomputers and Data-Warehouse Appliances", Euro-Par 2013: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8374.